Version 0.19 released

Node-RED 0.19 is now available to download or npm install.

Project updates

One of the things we’ve not done so well on is keeping the community up to date with the general goings on of the project. The mailing list and slack team are a constant stream of discussion and debate, but it’s easy to forget that not everyone follows all the various threads.

Version 0.18 released

At long last, Node-RED 0.18 is now available to download or npm install.

A Roadmap to 1.0

With the 0.17 release out of the way, we’ve turned our attention to what comes next. Rather than plow straight into writing code for the next set of features, we decided to take a bit of time to plot out where the project is headed.

Version 0.17 part 2

We released Node-RED 0.17 on Friday and wrote up the usual blog post about everything in it. A few hours later, and we realised we’d missed some things off that post that deserved to be highlighted. Rather than update the previous post, here’s part two.

Version 0.17 released

Node-RED 0.17 is now available to download or npm install.

Version 0.16 released

Node-RED 0.16 is now available to download or npm install.

Moving to the JS Foundation

Nick O’Leary and Dave Conway-Jones, IBM Emerging Technologies.

Version 0.15 released

Node-RED 0.15 is now available to download or npm install.