Going beyond Node-RED 1.x

With the 1.1.0 release done, our attention turns to the next release. But before we push ahead with the next item on the backlog, it’s a good moment to think about the bigger picture

Version 1.1 released

Node-RED 1.1 is now available to install.

Version 1.0 released

We published the roadmap to get us to this point two years ago. It may have taken longer than we anticipated, but the time has arrived for us to release Node-RED 1.0.

Knowing when a node is done

Updated 26/9: Updated the recommended approach for maintaining backward compatibility

Cloning messages in a flow

With the change to asynchronous message passing in Node-RED 1.0, we’re also changing how some messages are cloned between nodes. The behaviour in this area wasn’t always clear and could lead to unexpected results to end users who weren’t familiar with some of the principles of JavaScript object handling.

Making flows asynchronous by default

In Node-RED 1.0, we are changing the way messages pass between nodes from being synchronous to being asynchronous. This will, in some cases, change the relative order messages are handled in flows. This post explains what we mean by synchronous and asynchronous, why we are making this change and what effect it will have.

2019 Community Survey results

Earlier this year we invited the community to complete a short survey about Node-RED.

Accelerating the journey to 1.0

Our roadmap to version 1.0 was published in July 2017. It described a set of themes we wanted to address within the project, along with the functional items we decided were necessary to get there.

Version 0.20 released

Node-RED 0.20 is now available to install.